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Markdown is a text-to-HTML tool for web writers. It is a convient way to write notes that can be converted to HTML or PDF. You may recognize the .md format on your github repo files.

If using VSCode, you can press ctrl+shift+v or command+v to live preview Markdown files. Visual Studio Code uses the CommonMark Markdown specification.



Headers are defined using the ‘#’ symbol:

# H1 Header 
## H2 Header
### H3 Header
#### H4 Header

Alternative H1 Header 

Alternative H2 Header

H1 Header

H2 Header

H3 Header

H4 Header


Alternative H1 Header

Alternative H2 Header


Quotes are defined using the ‘>’ symbol:

> Did somebody say pasta?

Did somebody say pasta?

Quotes can be added on top of other formatting. They are useful for TODO items:

> **TODO** Eat pasta

TODO Eat pasta


Words can be bolded, italicized, underlined, and striked:

Bold using double **asterisks** or __underscores__

Italicize using single *asterisks* or _underscores_

Underline using HTML <ins>ins tags</ins>

Strikethrough using double ~~tildes~~ 

Do multiple using a <ins>~~_**combination**_~~</ins> of the above

Bold using double asterisks or underscores

Italicize using single asterisks or underscores

Underline using HTML ins tags

Strikethrough using double tildes

Do multiple using a combination of the above

Horizontal Separators

Horizontal separators can be created with hypens, asterisks, or underscores:




Asterisks: *** Underscores: ___


Create unordered lists using a plus, dash, or asterisk:

- item a
- item b
- item c

* list item 1
  * sublist item 1.1
    * sub-sublist item 1.1.1

+ apples
+ oranges
  • item a
  • item b
  • item c

  • list item 1
    • sublist item 1.1
      • sub-sublist item 1.1.1
  • apples
  • oranges

Create ordered lists using a number prefix. Formats may vary with previewer:

1. item 1
2. item 2
   1. item 2.1
3. item 3 
  1. item 1
  2. item 2
    1. item 2.1
  3. item 3

Links without titles can be in the form of:
- <> 
- (May not work in certain previews)

[Titled link](

[Titled link with hover description]( "Github Homepage")

[Referencable link for code reuse][1]

[Link to a relative repository file](../blob/../Git/Git%20Commands.pdf)

Links without titles can be in the form of:

Titled link

Titled link with hover description

Referencable link for code reuse

Link to a relative repository file

[Link to beginning of document](#markdown-cheat-sheet)

[Link to additional resources](#additional-resources)

Link to beginning of document

Link to additional resources


Unformatted images:

In-line image link
![Github Logo]( 

Referenced image link

In-line image link:


Referenced image link:


Formatted Images:

Use HTML syntax to format images. For example, resizing and centering:

<p align="center">
    <img src="" alt="michaelangelo" width="200" height="200" />



Embedded YouTube videos snippet template:

Unfortnately, videos cannot be embedded into standard markdown. One workaround is to use the thumbnail image of the video as the link to the video. This can be done easily by pasting the youtube video ID into the the following template:


For example:

If the video I want to link is, then the video ID is lXMskKTw3Bc. Therefore, after pasting the ID into the template, I have:




Indicate inline code with backticks found on the tilde key:

Use the `run()` method to begin.

Use the run() method to begin.

Indicate blocks of code using 3 backticks:

Add the name of the programming language for proper syntax highlighting.

var num = 0;
var num2 = 0;
    <p>This is an html example</p>
def no_language_defined(a, b):
    return a-b
var num = 0;
var num2 = 0;
    <p>This is an html example</p>
def no_language_defined(a, b):
    return a-b


To create tables:

  • Header and row content are defined between pipes ( )
    • Outer pipes are optional, alignment not necessary
  • Rows are separated with at least 3 dashes (—)
| Header 1    | Header 2    | Header 3    |
| ----------- | ----------- | ----------- |
| Row 1 Col 1 | Row 1 Col 2 | Row 1 Col 3 | 
Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
Row 1 Col 1 Row 1 Col 2 Row 1 Col 3

Align column text using colons:

| Header   | Header 1 | Header 2 |
| -------- | :------: | -------: |
| Left     | Center   | Right    | 
Header Header 1 Header 2
Left Center Right

Custom HTML

Markdown accepts HTML syntax:

<h3>H3 Header In HTML Syntax</h3>

H3 Header In HTML Syntax

This is useful for features not built into Markdown such as image resizing and page customization.

Custom CSS

Markdown accepts CSS syntax:

h5 {
    color: red

##### Header 5 text

(May not work in certain previews)

Header 5 text

Additional Resources

This cheat sheet was constructed using information from:

Official Documentation:

Recommended Markdown editors: